The Purpose of the Ethical Business Guide is to exhibit ethical business practices, promote ethical business behaviors, and to create pause when alternatives are present.

The Ethical Business Pocket-Sized Guide is not a profit endeavor and is available at-cost to print and ship.

How to Use Your Guide:

  1. 1.   Place your business card in the back of your booklet
  2. 2.  Hand a Guide to your direct-report team members
  3. 3.  Have all your customer-facing team members hand Guides to clients
  4. 4.  Hand a Guide to your suppliers, again including the appropriate business card in the back
  5. 5.  Instead of just sharing your business card, hand the Guide, with business card, to prospective clients when first meeting with them

Use the Ethical Business Guide to Establish a Culture of Ethics

We believe this guide provides clarity and prudent direction toward ethical business practices. It is our hope that business leaders, armed with these principles, will review the role of ethics in their company and carefully consider decisions that could erode, or improve, the ethical culture.

A Pocket-Sized Ethical Business Guide

An ethical business conducts its affairs following these five core ethical characteristics, as explained in the Ethical Business Guide booklet you can provide your workers and the community at large:

  • Ethical Leadership
  • Concern for Customer
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Loyalty
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Want a Badge to Display on Your Website That Shows You Are an Ethical Business?

After ordering your Ethical Business Guides (100 or more), fill out this form and we’ll send you a badge to use on your website and elsewhere.